What is Dosha and how it is important for The Human Body


VIJÑĀNA- translated to English as Consciousness, Mind, Life Force, Discernment.

From our own Soul appears vijñāna of the organs.

From Earth – the meat, bones, nose and smell

from Water-blood, the tongue, the sense of taste and moisture

from Fire – the warmth, color, eyes and vision

from Air – the breath, skin and touch

from Space – the openings, ears, the voice, from previous habits-ability for actions. The concourse of these conditions and cause and effect ties, forms the Body.


The ancient Ayurvedic healers, Tibetan, Central Asians, even the Europeans – never started the treatment without determining first the Individual Constitution of the patient. All of them unanimously claim that the Physical Human’s Body is build from 5 elements :

1. Ether (Space)

2. Air

3. Fire

4. Water

5. Earth

So according to the ancient healers and the hypotheses of the modern scientist :

The Element Ether or Space is introduced in the body in the nose, the space in the mouth, in the gastrointestinal tract, in the respiratory ways, the rib cage, capillaries and e.x. The Ether gives the body space for development.

Everything that moves inside the body is governed by the second Element – Air-the movement of the muscles, pulsation of the heart, the expansion and contraction of lungs, the movement of the gastrointestinal tract and the stomach, the nerve impulses, the mental activity.

The Element of Fire inside the Human Body is the metabolism. This Element acts in the digestive system, shows like intellect in the gray matter of the brain cells, is active in the eye’s retina, perceiving the light. The stability of your immune system depends of this Element as well as the activity of the enzymes ( which are responsible for transforming one substances to others).

The Element Water shows in the secretion of the stomach juice, the salivary glands, the blood plasma, the cytoplasm of cells.

The Element of Earth represents the “hard” bodily structures — bones, joints, nails, hair, tendons, muscles and skin.

All 5 Elements are represented in 5 human senses, and through the organs they are connected to the 5 activities:

1.The Ether is associated with the function of hearing. The ear, as the organ of hearing, expresses action through the organ of speech, which gives meaning to human language.

2. Air is related to the sense of touch. The organ is the skin. The hand is transmitting the sense of touch.

3. Fire manifests as heat, light and color — it is connected to the vision. The eye, as the organ of vision, is ruling the walking and its connected to the feet.

4. Water is associated with the organs of taste. The tongue is closely related to the functions of the genitalia (penis, clitoris). In Ayurveda the penis/clitoris is believed to be the “lower tongue,” and the tongue in the mouth — “the higher tongue”. The man in control of his “higher tongue” naturally controls his “lower tongue” or his sexual behavior.

5. Earth is associated with the sense of smell. The nose, the organ of smell, is functionally connected with the work of the anus, the organ of elimination. It is clearly visible in a person that suffers from constipation — his breath is unpleasant as a result, his sense of smell is blunted.

Naturally, the Human Body, as a live organism, can exist only as mutually equilibrated system of 5 Elements. The ancient wise man, explain the phenomena of life by dividing all vital expressions in the organism in three basic vital principles.

– The Elements of Ether and Air, connecting, create “the wind inside your body”-the Ayurvedic term is Dosha Vata.

– The Elements water and Fire create in our body “the bile” or ” the fire in our body” – In Ayurveda – Dosha Pitta.

– The Elements of Earth and Water when connect create in the body “mucus” – Dosha Kapha.

Using only this concepts it is simple to describe the Individual Constitution of the man. Those three Most Important Vital Principles : Dosha Vata, Dosha Pitta and Dosha Kapha –  give us  clear localization of ” The Wind, The Bile and The Mucus” in Human Body.


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